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Selectmen Minutes 09/30/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Teresa Paradise, Philip Hitchcock

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Mr. DeBold stated there will be no discussion or comments regarding the Road Agent. This is a discussion that will occur between the Road Agent and the Board at a later date. The public meeting will be posted once a date has been decided on.

General Business/Board Discussion

Award Heating Fuel Bid
Mrs. Pinard informed the board the town only received 1 bid from Eastern Propane and Oil. Their bid was in the amount of $3.43 per gallon. Last year Fred Fuller was the town supplier and the price per gallon was $3.28. It was felt rebidding the heating oil was the right thing to do after speaking with some vendors. It was stated that some companies will not bid capped pricing on the quantity of oil the town uses.

Lucille Noel stated the library had been approached regarding a co-op purchasing involving Barnstead and some other towns. This is something the town may want to look into as well.

Forest Fire Permitting
Mr. Stock asked that Mrs. Pinard inform the Board that residents are now able to apply for burn permits online through the state. This is at no cost to the town but there is a $3.00 fee for the resident who is requesting the permit. The Fire Warden will still be able to track all of the permits by logging into the system. This is something new and Mr. Stock will report further to the on this at a later date.

PUC Decision
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board of the PUC decision that was announced today regarding the rate increase for Liberty Utilities. Until is requesting roughly the same increase. It is my assumption that the PUC will also grant that request as well. This increase will be roughly $2,700 for the six month period of December to May. This is just something that we wanted to make the board aware of.

Shimming of Roadways
Mrs. Pinard reviewed the request from the Road Agent to move forward with Advance Excavation and Paving for the fall shim paving projects. The following bids received were:

Advanced Excavation & Paving            $85.00 per ton
Continental Paving                              $88.00 per ton
Paving by Sam Cooper & Son                      $90.00 per ton

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the bid to Advanced Paving and Excavation for the shimming of the following roadways Hillview Drive - first 100 feet, Deer Meadow Road, Burnt Hill Road-lower smaller section, and Hutchinson Road if there is any money remaining. The bid award is in the amount $85 per ton not to over expend the remaining $55,000 in the Asphalt line and in doing so waive the sealed bid process of the purchase policy. Motion Passes.

Outstanding Items:

Fire Hose Purchase

Mrs. Pinard stated that this was brought before the Board last week and the Board requested something more formalized. The fire department has submitted the following quotes:
Firematic               $2,460.00
Darley          $2,729.62
Field Fire              $2,630.00

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to purchase 500ft of fire hose from Firematic in the amount of $2,460. Motion Passes.

Police Department Tablet Purchase

Mrs. Pinard stated this was brought before the Board last week. The police department went out and solicited additional bids for the project as requested. The project consists of four tablets with set up and software licenses for two of the tablets. This will be paid out of the Police Detail Account. The police department is recommending moving forward with
Walmart for the hardware, Tritech IMC for the software, and a separate vendor the accessories. The accessories consist of vehicle chargers and tablet mounts.

The bids are as follows:

Best Buy        $5,427.88 (hardware) + $319.96 (accessories) + $3,210.00 (software) =   $8,957.84
Newegg  $4,775.92 (hardware) + $519.92 (accessories) + $3,210.00 (software) =   $8,505.84
Walmart $4,479.92 (hardware) + $519.92 (accessories) + $3,210.00 (software) =   $8,209.84

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to waive the three bid rule of the purchasing policy for the single source vendor to include the accessories and software. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded Mr. DeBold to move forward with the purchase of the hardware from Walmart, Tritech IMC for the software, and a single vendor for the vehicle chargers and tablet mounts in the amount of $8,209.84 to be paid out of the Police Detail Account. Motion Passes.
Public Input
Lucille Noel stated the Heritage Commission has planted about 125 new bulbs on the trail. We will be going out another time once it rains. I also have a financial update regarding the Charrette. We received another $200 check. We only need to raise $400 to reach our goal of $5,000 in donations.

Non-Public Session
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation against him or her at. DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit at 7:28pm non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a). DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to seal the nonpublic meeting minutes indefinitely. DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr.  Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 7:29pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair                        D. Michael Paveglio                               Jeffrey Jordan